T&S PG-8WSAN-10 Wall Mount Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Centers, 10" Add On Nozzle, Aluminum Spray Valve, and 9' Coiled Hose
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Item number510pg8wsan10


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T&S PG-8WREV Wall Mount Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Adjustable Centers, Aluminum Spray Valve, 9' Coiled Hose, and Vacuum Breaker
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars

Item number510pg8wrev


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T&S PG-2347-VH Deck Mount Pet Grooming Workboard Faucet with 8" Centers, 8 3/4" Gooseneck, and Angled Spray Valve

Item number510pg2347vh


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T&S PB-8DOSN00KZLZZ Deck Mounted Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Centers, 44" Hose, and 4+ GPM Spray Valve

Item number510pb8dosnkl


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T&S PB-8WOSN00KZLZC Wall Mount Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Centers, EB-0107 Spray Valve, and Eterna Cartridges

Item number510pb8wosnzc


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T&S PG-8DSAN-10 Deck Mount Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Centers, 10" Swing Nozzle, Add-On Faucet, and Lever Handles

Item number510pg8dsan10


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T&S PG-8WSAN-06 Wall Mount Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Centers, 6" Swing Nozzle, Add-On Faucet, and Lever Handles

Item number510pg8wsan06


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T&S PG-8WSAV-VH Wall Mount Pet Grooming Faucet with 8" Centers, Aluminum Spray Valve, 7' Vinyl Hose, and Vacuum Breaker

Item number510pg8wsavvh


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