Ground Estimated Shipping Times

Most products are usually in our warehouse and ready to go out within one business day. Although we do our best to ship all orders out within this time frame, we may not be able to do so during busy times or if there is a supply issue with the items on your order. If you need a product by a certain date, let us know by indicating the date in a reply email to your order confirmation email. If there are any problems in meeting your required date, we will let you know right away.

Once the product leaves our warehouse the time it takes to reach you is dependent on your geographical location. If you need your order more quickly, you may select Second Day or Next Day in your shopping cart (availability dependent on your location). These options guarantee that, as long as the items you're ordering are in stock, the order will be prioritized in our system and arrive by the end of the following business day (Next Day), or the end of the second business day (Second Day). These options are not available for common carrier orders.

These orders must be placed before 2:00 p.m. EST to ship same day and are only available for delivery on business days (Monday through Friday). For orders shipping directly from the manufacturer, shipping cutoff times may vary.

Next & Second Day orders received after 2:00 PM EST will be processed on the following business day.

In order to maximize the products we're able to offer to you, some items on our website are not normally stocked in our warehouses. These items may be shipped directly to you from the manufacturer, or brought into our warehouse with our next stock order from the manufacturer and then shipped to you. Next Day or Second Day shipping availability and cutoff times may vary on these items.

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*Not all orders will ship from the warehouse that is geographically closest to your shipping address.

*The delivery times are in business days. If your delivery time is over a holiday please add an additional day for delivery. Holidays include Christmas, New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving.

For International Customers:
International air service shipping time varies per country.

Common Carrier Shipments: For more details about carrier shipping from each of our warehouse locations check out Common Carrier estimated shipping times for your area or watch the video below.

Common Carrier Shipments

Georgia Ground Warehouse Location Shipping

Kentucky Ground Warehouse Location Shipping

Maryland Ground Warehouse Location Shipping

Nevada Ground Warehouse Location Shipping

Oklahoma Warehouse Location Shipping

Pennsylvania Ground Warehouse Location Shipping

Tennessee Ground Warehouse Location Shipping

Texas Warehouse Location Shipping