Eagle Group TS-DB-HT4 63 1/2" x 10" Stainless Steel Solid Tray Slide with Drop Brackets
Item number575tsdbht4
Eagle Group TS-HT4 63 1/2" x 10" Stainless Steel Solid Tray Slide with Stationary Brackets
Item number575tsht4
Eagle Group TSL-HT4 63 1/2" x 10 1/2" Stainless Steel Tubular Tray Slide with Stationary Brackets
Item number575tslht4
Eagle Group BS1-HT4 Stainless Steel Buffet Shelf with Sneeze Guard - 63 1/2" x 25 5/8"
Item number575bs1ht4
Eagle Group BS1-HT4-IL Stainless Steel Buffet Shelf with Sneeze Guard and Infrared Lamps - 63 1/2" x 25 5/8"
Item number575bs1ht4il
Eagle Group OS-HT4 Stainless Steel Single Deck Overshelf - 63 1/2" x 10"
Item number575osht4