Sunshine Food & Snack Products
Satisfy Cravings with Sunshine Food and Snack Products
The Sunshine biscuit company was founded in 1902 by Joseph Loose, who envisioned a baking factory filled with light from a thousand windows. He opened a facility in Long Island City, New York, and it was the largest bakery building in the world until 1955. Today, the original Sunshine building with its many windows is still in use, but not as a bakery. It’s now part of the campus of LaGuardia Community College in New York. Read more
Sunshine food and snack products are now owned by Kellogg’s, but the Sunshine brand is present on some of the company’s most beloved crackers. Cheez-It snack crackers, Krispy saltines, and wheat wafers still bear the yellow Sunshine logo. For over a century, Sunshine has satisfied customers with delicious crackers and biscuits.