RG Group

RG Group Industrial Equipment

Overall Customer Rating:

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

RG Group Products Allow You to Minimize Errors and Maximize Productivity

RG Group produces innovative motion-control products and solutions to modernize your workplace. With over 60 years of industry experience, they strive to offer premier global products with world-class service. They boast an extensive network of local branches located strategically in the Mid-Atlantic region, allowing them to provide real-time, made-to-order solutions for a wide range of business types. Read more

RG Group products enhance production efficiency and set your facility apart from the competition. Their robotic palletizers make it possible to automate end-of-line warehouse operations to keep up with demand and free your staff to work on more involved tasks. These palletizers are designed with ease of use in mind, requiring minimal training and no prior experience to operate.