
Justrite Manufacturing Products

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Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Prepare for Emergencies by Using Justrite Manufacturing Products in Your Establishment

Justrite is one of the leading manufacturers of storage, handling, and security products. The company was founded in 1906, and they originally produced miner lamps and other safety equipment. Since then, they have modernized their offerings, and they now have equipment for handling hazardous materials, environmental protection spill containment devices, and other specialized storage products. Read more

Because Justrite products help you keep your workplace safe, they are essential items for factories, construction companies, and fire departments. Their filing cabinets are also an excellent option for holding first aid equipment and other safety products, making them ideal for offices, schools, and restaurants. As an added bonus, all of their products are clearly marked with safety instructions, so your employees will know exactly what to do in an emergency.