Epicurean Restaurant & Foodservice Supplies
Replace Your Old Kitchenware with Durable and Safe Products from Epicurean
Epicurean started out as company that made eco-friendly skate parks, and the owners would use the spare materials to make cutting boards for friends and family. Word of their high-quality cutting boards got out and the demand for them soared. Today, Epicurean cutting boards are some of the most sought-after designer kitchen tools on the market. Read more
Epicurean cutting boards are popular because they are made out of a material called Richlite, which is made from recycled paper and resin, making them very durable and eco-friendly. These products are very strong, and they are resistant to cuts and absorption, so you can use your knives on them and then throw them in the dishwasher for easy cleanup. In addition to their popular cutting boards, you can now get Epicurean paddles, pizza peels, kitchenware, and other essential items, all of which are made out of their Richlite material.