Below are some factors to consider when you are browsing for the perfect new corkscrew.
Ease of Use
The first thing to take into consideration when purchasing a wine opener or corkscrew is its ease of use. A corkscrew that is hard to use may result in cork crumbs in the wine, broken corks, or you may end up unable to remove the cork. Because of this, many large operations have moved towards counter-mount, wall-mount, or electric corkscrews as these styles make cork removal incredibly easy for everyone.
Smaller operations or establishments with sommeliers may opt for a pocket or waiter's corkscrew. These corkscrews are generally less expensive than other styles and are inexpensive to replace. Large, high-volume operations should consider the more expensive wall-mount, counter-mount, and electric corkscrews as these styles make opening many bottles at a time a quick and easy task, which helps recoup their cost in saved labor.
Smaller corkscrews, such as waiter's and pocket corkscrews, are a great choice for staff on the move. These corkscrews easily fit inside an apron or pants pocket and are lightweight. Larger corkscrews, such as electric, counter-mount, and wall-mount corkscrews, are better suited for a single location where staff can carry wine bottles to the corkscrew to open them.
Cork Type
Different types of corkscrews excel at removing different types of cork. To start, there are two types of wine corks: synthetic and natural cork. Synthetic corks are denser than natural corks, which requires more force to twist the worm into the cork. The advantage of synthetic corks is that they are less likely to break apart during extraction. Natural corks are more brittle and sensitive to removal than synthetic corks. The advantage of natural corks is that they properly age wines stored over long periods of time.
Type of Restaurant
Upscale restaurants that emphasize the presentation of wines may want to go for a decorative or vintage-style corkscrew because of the enhanced presentation value these corkscrews provide. Large banquet halls, wedding venues, or wine tasting rooms that may be opening a lot of wine bottles in a short amount of time will want to consider a wall-mount or counter-mount corkscrew for speed and ease of use. Lastly, restaurants that only serve wine occasionally may want to consider a wing or waiter's corkscrew simply from a cost standpoint.