An electric knife sharpener is a convenient device that simplifies the sharpening process. It allows you to achieve quick and consistent results, saving your staff valuable time in the kitchen. These sharpeners work by running a knife through a slot, which exposes it to spinning miniaturized sharpening stones. Many electric knife sharpeners even feature a guide, allowing you to achieve the perfect sharpening angle.
Types of Electric Knife Sharpeners
Though electric knife sharpeners can include many different features, they come in two main styles:
- Standard electric knife sharpeners: A standard electric knife sharpener is ideal for kitchens that utilize knives for simple applications. They feature a compact design and provide fast results.
- Heavy-duty electric knife sharpeners: A heavy-duty electric knife sharpener is designed to withstand frequent use in the workplace. These are ideal for fast-paced kitchen environments that plan on using their knives frequently.