Rice bowls are a staple in many Asian cuisines, being used to present many different Asian dishes. Apart from Asian cuisine, rice bowls are also commonly used in other types of restaurants that offer rice-based dishes such as burrito bowls, poke bowls, and rice salads. The wide, shallow shape of rice bowls provides ample space for layering different ingredients, creating visually appealing and flavorful dishes that are popular among customers.
- Rice Bowl Size - The most common sizes range from 8 to 16 oz. but larger options are available for heartier servings or sharing dishes. Choosing the right size rice bowl for your establishment will depend on the type of cuisine you serve and the portion sizes you offer.
- Rice Bowl vs Pasta Bowl - Rice bowls are typically shallower and wider than pasta bowls, which are deeper and have a narrower opening. This design difference is intended to accommodate the different eating styles of rice-based dishes versus pasta dishes.