6CaseFront of the House DDP017WHP22 Nouvelle 13" x 6 1/2" Bright White Rectangular Porcelain Plate - 6/Case
Item number957nvlpl136
Retail Price $96.99
12CaseFront of the House DAP014WHP23 Nouvelle 10" x 5" Bright White Rectangular Porcelain Plate - 12/Case
Item number957nvlpl15
Retail Price $108.81
6CaseFront of the House DOS022WHP22 Nouvelle 12" x 10" Bright White Rectangular Porcelain Plate - 6/Case
Item number957nvlpl12
Retail Price $131.55
12CaseFront of the House DAP040WHP23 Nouvelle 8" x 4" Bright White Rectangular Porcelain Plate - 12/Case
Item number957nvlpl84
Retail Price $86.58
12CaseFront of the House DAP036WHP23 Nouvelle 5 1/2" x 5" Bright White Rectangular Porcelain Plate - 12/Case
Item number957nvlpl55
Retail Price $70.36
6CaseFront of the House DBO092WHP22 Nouvelle 18 oz. Bright White Square Porcelain Bowl - 6/Case
Item number957nvlbws18
Retail Price $58.27
12CaseFront of the House DCS045WHP23 Nouvelle 9 oz. Bright White Square Porcelain Cup - 12/Case
Item number957nvlc9
Retail Price $89.31
6CaseFront of the House TSB006WHP22 Nouvelle 6 oz. Bright White Porcelain Pourer / Creamer with Lid - 6/Case
Item number957nvlcr6
Retail Price $55.77